My name is Jared Heath. I run a small business, go to church, work with open source software and computers, and enjoy exercise and health stuff quite a bit. This is my blog.

The Parallel Christian Economy

The parallel economy is building and we need to pay attention. There will be a black/grey market that exists, because there will have to be. When I lived in Cuba, Syria, and Iraq, there was always a black market. The regular market never had everything you needed, so you have to work with the people who actually were able to get what was needed. We are entering this age, and it’s important to have the communication systems, finance systems, and trust needed to function when times are tough…

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What is Crypto Currency?

It all began in 2009 with the Bitcoin White Paper. Satoshi Nakamoto, whom we don’t know who that is, wrote the Bitcoin Whitepaper as a proposition to the world that there is a way to create a digital ledger than can be unchangeable and maintain accounts honestly, without human intervention. This is the blockchain. Bitcoin was created soon after…

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Website Design

We build all of our websites using Wordpress. Not to be confused with, which is a pro-censorship organization that has their own custom version of the Wordpress open source application. Wordpress allows us to achieve a great balance of design flexibility and functionality. Do you want a website that can send marketing emails? Wordpress can do that (with FluentCRM). Do you want a good looking website with a drag and drop builder? Use the DIVI builder from Elegant themes. Do you want an e-Commerce store site with censorship resistant payment gateways? WooCommerce and Cornerstone can be linked together to achieve this…

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What is NAS?

I chose to setup the NAS for another reason as well. I wanted to learn more about networking. In the, “What is a Datacenter?” article I referenced the three components of a datacenter. Compute, Storage, and Networking. Having a NAS forces you to use all three at a pretty low level in your stack. Where does that image live? Well, it lives on a different computer than the one that actually processes the image. This has forced us to troubleshoot and improve out networking architecture quite a bit…

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What is a Datacenter?

As technology advances, I propose that the datacenter can get smaller. That is what we do at Altha Technology. We are making the datacenter smaller, and wanting to teach people how to run their own micro-datacenters around the United States. We believe that geography matters for philosophical reasons and for legal reasons. Having sovereignty and control over your data is prudent practice…

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