Fear of Death

Fear of Death

Hey There, I was at the gym yesterday and after working out went into the sauna. I have found, for whatever reason, being half-naked and sweating makes people open up a lot more. More often than not I end up having great conversations with people in the sauna....
Some of those Real Things

Some of those Real Things

Hey There, I have been thinking lately about romance, old age, and being childlike. I desperately want to live romantically. I want to be young, and not become, “Old”. I want to be who I am, in all situations. Unfortunately, we all grow old (physically)...
How an Initial Website Consultation Works

How an Initial Website Consultation Works

Hey There, Why do you need a website? Well, you may not need one. Like everything in IT, it depends. When we begin planning out a website with a customer the first question I usually ask is, “What do you want it to do?”. This is a good place to start as it...
What is Self-Hosting?

What is Self-Hosting?

Hey There, Self-Hosting is the act of running your own online services from wherever you live. Many times systems administrators will pick up old equipment from their work, configure it at home, and run their own email server or website. They use open source software...
The Parts of a Website

The Parts of a Website

Hey There, When you are talking to a customer for the first time, these are the things you’ll need. You have to ask them about their registration. You need to ask them about their website itself and access. The more access you get the easier it is to perform...