My name is Jared Heath. I run a small business, go to church, work with open source software and computers, and enjoy exercise and health stuff quite a bit. This is my blog.

Goals, Fear, and Respecting of Persons

Goals, Fear, and Respecting of Persons

In my last blog post I wrote a bit about discipline and our burpee challenge. We are continuing on! Today is going to be day 105 on the 10 minutes working out every single day. Full disclosure, I have missed one day of the 105. I was on vacation in Maine and just...
Confidence, Marriage, Lust, Women, and Discipline

Confidence, Marriage, Lust, Women, and Discipline

Confidence and Marriage go hand in hand. Having the confidence to choose a mate. This is something I lack. The confidence even to take the first step. It’s like standing on the ledge of a cliff, but I’m not even willing to come within 1000 feet of the...
On Weakness

On Weakness

Many times I find that we look to others for support. It’s a type of co-dependence. Originally, I would’ve thought this is all bad. I do think there is a type of co-dependence that is necessary. When we contemplate the Trinity there are three in one. Even...
The Altha Phone

The Altha Phone

Hey Folks, This week we are launching our first product. The Altha Phone. It is a de-googled phone experience. We have been working on this project, as far as website and business idea, for about 6 weeks. I think it’s a good idea and a good move. We really don’t like...